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How far will you tow me under Good Sam Roadside Assistance?

July 12, 2022

Carl Corder

All members of Good Sam Roadside Assistance may receive towing to the nearest service center when needed, regardless of the distance.

By Carl Corder

Breakdowns can occur at the worst of times, in the worst of places. Just ask some of our members who have had to call Good Sam’s Roadside Assistance emergency line in the middle of the night. Luckily, Good Sam provides 24/7 service to members, wherever they are.

There’s never an opportune time to break down and need assistance. But it’s worse when you’re hundreds of miles from the nearest service center. Which begs the question: just how far will Good Sam Roadside Assistance cover me in the event of a breakdown?

You have a guarantee that Good Sam will provide you with the best roadside care possible if you experience a breakdown, including towing service to the nearest service station. But what does that process look like, and is the nearest towing service station always your best option?

What happens when I call Good Sam Roadside Assistance during a breakdown?

When you call our 24/7 Roadside Assistance hotline in the event of a breakdown, your safety is our number one priority. All members of Good Sam Roadside Assistance speak with an agent to begin the process of determining next steps, whether that’s to have a service tech come to your location to replace a battery or if you need to be towed for more significant repairs.

All members of Good Sam Roadside Assistance may receive towing to the nearest service center when needed, regardless of the distance. Yes, that includes those seemingly-endless stretches of US highway void of gas exits. Even in those scenarios, you’re guaranteed a tow–which is an added comfort to give you peace of mind.

But you’re not always hundreds of miles from help. Often, your RV or auto is within close proximity to several service options, including different types of service centers. That’s when your Good Sam Roadside Assistance options open up, including multiple plan choices for members.

Good Sam Roadside Assistance plans

Standard coverage for both RV and autos ensures an unlimited distance towing benefit to the nearest service center. But Good Sam offers multiple plans with added services and protections, too.

For RVs, choose from four options: Standard, Platinum, Platinum+, and Platinum Complete.

For autos, choose from three options: Platinum Auto, Platinum+ Auto, and Platinum Complete Auto.

Towing options are a key difference between Good Sam Roadside Assistance plans. As you upgrade in plan options, you get added towing service capabilities. For example, the RV Platinum+ option not only provides you towing to the nearest service station, but you can choose a destination of your choice within 100 miles of your disablement location.

This gives you more control over which service center you want to visit, based on preference, price, or reputation.

Can you tow any RV (and my tow vehicle)?

Good Sam Roadside Assistance exists to offer the best service possible for whatever needs members require, including seven distinct plan options. Each is designed to provide the coverage you need for the vehicles, RVs, trailers, and accessory motorcycles you want to cover.

Coverage exists for any type of RV or tow vehicle you have. Simply call our customer service support line with questions to learn what Roadside Assistance plan best fits your RV type and vehicle (or trailer, sports trailer, van, or motorcycle).

When you experience a breakdown, we ensure that your nearest service provider will have the necessary equipment and towing capacity to safely tow your rig to the shop for service and maintenance.

What else can Good Sam Roadside Assistance offer?

Good Sam offers far more than towing service with our Roadside Assistance plans. Most notably, the Platinum Complete option provides two value and convenience-packed protections: Tire and Wheel Road Hazard coverage and Emergency Medical Assistance.

Your plan can extend to coverages like:

  • Tire and wheel protection in the event of a flat caused by a road hazard
  • Emergency fluids delivered if you run out of gas or oil
  • Return services of your RV or vehicle during a medical emergency
  • Priority access to an RV tech helpline
  • Discounts on car rental and hotels

Discover all Good Sam Roadside Assistance has to offer and choose a plan that fits your vehicle setup from bumper to bumper, anywhere you go.

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